Autobiography and Mission Statement

My name is Savannah. I'm 17 and I'm a senior in high school. I live with my dad. His name is Billy. And we like sports a lot. We are a very close family. We have a cat named cornbread. And we have a salt water aquarium. My dad played college football for Mississippi State. Our family is from there. So Mississippi is a big part of our life. Atlanta Falcons is our favorite NFL team. My dad has season tickets. So he's always back and forth from here to Atlanta. I'm an only child. I like being the only child too. I like to go shopping and go to concerts and hang out with my friends! My family travels a lot. We take a huge trip every year. Last year it was to Yellow Stone National Park. This year since it's my senior year we are going abroad. I'm very excited!

Artist Mission Statement:
As an artist I will make art to the best of my ability. I believe art should not have to be graded because it's our vision. Who is to tell us what we are creating is right or wrong?

1 comment:

  1. Where's all your required pages you're missing:
    Links, My Artwork, Contact Me, etc.
